Clay Vermulm Fiction
Fermented Fiction
Featured Author of the Month: Matt Dinniman, author of Best Selling Fantasy series "Dungeon Crawler Carl"

Featured Author of the Month: Matt Dinniman, author of Best Selling Fantasy series "Dungeon Crawler Carl"

What up Fermented Folks! 

This month we have a special holiday gift for you, and that is our interview with Matt Dinniman!

Matt is an absolute legend of an Indie author who has taken the Lit-RPG world by storm. Matt has published in a highly unconventional, but no less successful fashion for that. Come on over, listen to what he has to say, and learn a little bit about how you can truly pave your own way in this industry if you have the grit and talent to write like an absolute maniac ALL THE TIME.

As always, thank you so much for listening! If you like what we’re getting up to you can check out more of our stuff and follow us at these links:

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Thanks for being here everyone, 

See you next week :)

Clay Vermulm Fiction
Fermented Fiction
An exploration of genre fiction through the lens of literature and film. Which is our fancy way of saying: drinking beer and talking about our favorite books, movies, and shows.