Clay Vermulm Fiction
Fermented Fiction
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Hey there Fermented Folks, 

This week we dive into somewhat new territory for our show. We are trying out a romance! Woah... We shall see how this goes. \

Though Travis is a romantic at heart, I am certainly not. Still, I found lots to love and lots to dislike about this tale. Let's find out what we both thought through forced enrollment and our open-table discussion segments! See you there.  

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Massive shoutout to our sponsors: Cascade Writers and Special Brews in Lynwood WA! Thanks for your support and belief in the show. 

Clay Vermulm Fiction
Fermented Fiction
An exploration of genre fiction through the lens of literature and film. Which is our fancy way of saying: drinking beer and talking about our favorite books, movies, and shows.