Thanks for tuning into another episode of Beneath the Rains Shadow!
Today we critique Clay’s latest story Faultline based on the prompt:
Any Gas Station on Interstate 5
Clay’s story is a tale of a relationship struggling through its death throes as our main character struggles to reconcile with his own sense of betrayal, insecurity, and jealousy. After all, is it right for him to expect his partner to change her nature? Or is it his duty as her partner to accept it?
Tamara, has read this story and provided an in-depth critique which we will dive into on the show. Thanks again for joining us and we hope you learn something/enjoy our bantering :).
We also chatted about a couple of events coming up. If you’d like to come meet us in person and/or attend these awesome events simply because they’re going to be AWESOME, here’s the information you need:
Port Gamble Ghost Festival
Horror Hangover: Beyond Stephen King
Thanks for joining us today and we will see you next month!
Tamara and Clay
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