Clay Vermulm Fiction
Beneath the Rain Shadow
Episode 7: Leave No Trace

Episode 7: Leave No Trace

Tamara's latest horror story, Clay's latest critique

Hello, listeners and future readers of Beneath the Rain Shadow!

Thank you so much for being here for another episode of our interactive writing/podcasting experience as we walk you through the creation of our PNW-themed, prompt-generated, short-horror collection.

This week we dive into a critique of our 7th story in the collection, Tamara’s Leave No Trace. A harrowing tale of isolation, searching for companionship, eco-terror, and haunted trails, Leave No Trace follows DW, an avid and accomplished hiker who is hiking the PCT for the first time in hopes of meeting the love of his life. Little does he know that much more than love and adventure await him in this ancient, hallowed place.

This story was created from the following prompt:

PNW Quirk: Beard Grooming

PNW Location: The Pacific Crest Trail

Horror Trope: The Harbinger of Doom

As always, please leave us a comment letting us know how we might improve the show, or share a way in which it improved your day! We always love to hear from our listeners.

Thanks again for being here. Until next month, we hope you enjoy it and we’ll see you in the next one!


Clay and Tamara

Discussion about this podcast

Clay Vermulm Fiction
Beneath the Rain Shadow
Hello listeners and welcome to Beneath the Rain Shadow. The podcast where we dive deep into the early writing and critiquing process while writing a Pacific Northwest themed, prompt-based horror anthology in real-time. I’m Clay Vermulm and as always, I’m joined by my talented cohost, Tamara Kaye Sellman.