Clay Vermulm Fiction
Beneath the Rain Shadow
Episode 5: Hellmark

Episode 5: Hellmark

Tamara's Prompt: Whale Watching, Slasher, Lopez Island

Hey listeners!

Thanks for tuning into another episode of Beneath the Rain Shadow! This week we break down Tamara’s whale-watching slasher story from a fictional island based on Lopez Island in the San Juan chain. As always, we had a great time with this one, despite the fact that neither of us particularly wanted to write a slasher narrative!

Hope you enjoy it :). If you do, please tell your fellow writer/editor friends and leave a review!

If you hate it, why not tell your enemies?

If you’re new here and you want to check out the show, I highly recommend going back to Episode One and following from the beginning, that way you get the full explanation of what we’re up to over here.

Thanks again for your time and patronage, it means the world to us.

Until next month,

Clay and Tamara

Clay Vermulm Fiction
Beneath the Rain Shadow
Hello listeners and welcome to Beneath the Rain Shadow. The podcast where we dive deep into the early writing and critiquing process while writing a Pacific Northwest themed, prompt-based horror anthology in real-time. I’m Clay Vermulm and as always, I’m joined by my talented cohost, Tamara Kaye Sellman.