Clay Vermulm Fiction
Sinister Soup
Gåva: Beneath the Rain Shadow Episode Three

Gåva: Beneath the Rain Shadow Episode Three

Will Clay's story hold up to Tamara's critique?

What’s happening listeners?

This week Clay has brought a short story written to Tamara’s prompts of: 

  1. Horror Trope: Lycanthrope (shapeshifting creatures) 

  2. Northwest Quirk: Espresso

  3. Northwest Setting: Columbia River Jetty 

Tamara dives deep into her critique process and Clay’s story in this episode. In turn, Clay dives into his writing process and deep into the development of his story. 

We hope you enjoy this episode. If you do, let us know, hit us up, and follow us on all the things! 

Clay Vermulm Fiction
Sinister Soup
A podcast about horror stories for those who love to read and write them.